2022 CommUNITY Conversations: Ask an Able-Bodied Person

This free workshop is the latest in NCBI’s CommUNITY Conversations series. It is aimed at bridging the divide between able-bodied people and people with disabiities. We encourage people of all backgrounds and identities to attend this event and ask much needed questions. The ultimate goal of this event is for the different communities to create…

2020 CommUNITY Conversations: Talking About Anti-Semitism

Join us for an important discussion about anti-Semitism, historically and in the present — what it is, what it looks like and how we can all stand against this insidious form of oppression. The workshop will address: Personal and group perceptions of anti-Semitism, stereotpes about Jews, and Jewish internalized oppression Current events and how to…

2019 CommUNITY Conversation: The Latino List

Join NCBI and co-sponsors LULAC Council 3280 and Whites for Racial Equity for a showing and discussion of The Latino List. This documentary is made up of short,  intimate interviews that feature people in the Latinx community who work in a diverse cross-section of disciplines from politics, theater, science, music, business, government and journalism. Among them are: Sandra Cisneros, America Ferrera, Jose…

2019 CommUNITY Conversations: Facing Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia

Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have much in common. Both are based on irrational fears and each are deeply embedded in white supremacy. And while both have been around a long time, acts of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have greatly  intensified since the 2016 presidential election.  Synagogues and Mosques are being defaced.  Swastika wearing people are spewing hate as they march…

2018 2018 CommUNITY Conversations: What Stands Between Us – Part II

Note: This workshop is a continuation of the conversation that began in November, 2018. However, you are welcome to attend whether or not you participated in Part I. We live within systems that keep us divided by race. Often we long to begin a conversation with someone who is different from ourselves, but hold back because…

2018 CommUNITY Conversations: What Stands Between Us – Part I

We live within systems that keep us divided by race. Often we long to begin a conversation with someone who is different from ourselves, but hold back because we are fearful we might be rejected or say something inappropriate. So, we keep quiet and the systems go unchallenged. Talking about race may not be easy, but it…

2018 CommUNITY Conversations: Finding Common Ground

Disagreement does not have to create insurmountable divides. In order to address racism, homophobia, xenophobia and more, we must learn to listen to others with different opinions and build relationships that generate understanding and enable collaborative problem-solving. Our world has become polarized by folks with seemingly intractable positions. Too many of us only engage with…

2017 CommUNITY Conversations: Allyship in the Current Climate of Oppression 

Many thanks to all who contributed to our Monterey County Gives campaign for your support of this program.  JOIN: The Monterey County National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) and our co-sponsors the Monterey County NAACP, NCBI CSUMB and Whites for Racial Equity, for a CommUNITY Conversation dedicated to allyship in the current climate of oppression. In…

2017 CommUNITY Conversations: Sharing Stories Around the Table

Hear & share stories at our first Conversation! Participants will hear from a panel of people affected by racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, anti-Semitism, or anti- immigrant sentiment in the current social and political climate, then participate in a small group discussion. An NCBI event co-sponsored by NAACP and Whites for Racial Equity